Lotka Paper Prayer Flags - Small
Share peace, love and blessings by hanging Tibetan prayer flags
Hand printed in gold coloured paint on handmade lotka paper
Images and mantras to carry their good will and compassion on the wind into all pervading space outdoors or for use in doors to encourage peace and harmony to the environment
Measurements: (approximate)
Width: 7cm
Length: 7cm
24 individual flags
Full length: 3m
Kindly note: due to the sacred nature of this item, when disposing of prayer flags, please do not throw them in the rubbish, however safely burn them while visualizing the prayers pervading all of space and benefiting every being.
About Lokta Paper
This product is made from the bark of Daphne Cannabina of Papyracea.
Locally, known as 'Lokta', which is found at altitude between 2000-3500 metres in the Himalayan mountains.
The 'Lokta' of Daphne Cannabina has characteristics of regenerating again after 6 to 8 years of cutting. Bark is collected with environmental awareness.
This indigenous handmade paper is renowned for it's execptional durability and special texture.
Manuscripts of Buddhist texts, royal edicts and legal documents, centuries old, have been recorded on this type of handmade paper.
The 'Lokta' paper making process involves cooking the bark twice, consecutive washing, chopping and beating with a wooden hammer.
The soft pulp is poured over a wooden frame and spread evenly by gently shaking the floating frame in water. Once this process is complete, the product is then sun dried.
Kindly note: due to the handmade process some inconsistency and imperfections may occur